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Teaching Platform


The purpose of schooling goes far beyond just teaching students content. Although it is important that we teach students about math, science, social studies, and English, it is equally important that we help grow and cultivate students' minds. As educators, we are not only expected to give the students the resources they need to succeed in school, but also in life. It is our job as an educator to help students develop a positive sense of self, understand the importance and benefits of working hard, teach them how to form and communicate their own unique ideas and opinions, and provide them with the skills to be able to work with others. It is extremely important that we do not just force children to memorize things, instead we must present them with the information and allow them to make it their own. The purpose of schooling is not to associate learning with good grades and educational achievement. I want my students to understand the importance of learning in every aspect of their life, not just for 8 hours a day in the classroom. I hope that my students understand just how important learning and education really is; it goes beyond just striving for A’s. It’s about learning new things that can help you connect with others, develop and nourish your passions, use your voice to make a change, and find a career doing something you love and care about.


My image of a learner is someone who wants to learn and grow as a student and individual. A person who is not only a student, but also a child who is constantly changing and attempting to navigate the daily struggles of adolescence. A person who has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Student’s are not cookie cutters; every student is unique with their own backgrounds, their own passions, their own struggles, their own motivations. In my opinion, no learner is a “lost cause.” Every child has the potential to succeed. I do not want my students to feel like they have to say and do certain things simply to pass my class. Although I am the teacher, I have and always will be a learner. I believe that I can learn as much from my students as they do from me.


The nature of student work should be composed of their own unique ideas and opinions. It is my job as the teacher to create activities that allow students to express their own individuality and creativity, and allow students to collaborate with others, giving and receiving feedback on a regular basis. Student work should not be a one and done, instead there should be multiple opportunities for feedback and revision.


My image of the teacher is someone who is a natural leader. Someone who is an active listener and designs assignments and activities based off what students want to learn. Someone who is able to be empathetic and understand that students have lives outside of school. Someone who cares not only about their students' success in the classroom, but their growth towards becoming a successful and productive member of society. Someone who shows the same type of respect to their students that they expect to receive. Someone who is passionate about education and cares for their students as if they’re your own children. It is the teachers job to lead the classroom, but not control it. Learning should be a process in which your students play an active role.


Curriculum should be Something that is flexible and does not limit students or teachers. I believe it’s extremely important that curriculum is goal oriented, and that expectations are clearly communicated. Because every child is so different, curriculum needs to allow room for accommodations. Additionally, curriculum should be focused around creativity and application, not just memorization. Curriculum needs to be challenging, while also being attainable. It is vital that we allow our students to help us decide what and how things will be taught. Many students struggle with being engaged in school. By allowing them to be active participants in their learning, it is my hope that the level of engagement and interest will increase.


My preferred school climate is a place where all my students feel safe, respected, and comfortable. In my classroom, I want to make sure that diversity is not simply acknowledged, but celebrated. I want my classroom to be a place where students are excited and passionate about learning. I do not want my students to feel like they can’t be themselves, or that they will be bullied or judged for sharing their opinion. I want to make sure that my classroom is inclusive and every student feels valued and appreciated.


The social significance of learning goes beyond knowing how to read or solve a math problem. Learning is so important because it helps create productive, passionate, and educated members of society. Knowing how to work and communicate with others is extremely important in not just school, but in life. As a teacher, it’s my job to teach students about mutual respect, help them develop the skills to create meaningful relationships with others, and help them recognize their worth and potential.


Ultimately, my pedagogy of education is to help students become the best people they can be. I want to make sure that my classroom is a safe and inclusive place where students are able to develop and share their own unique thoughts and ideas. It’s important that I provide them with the support they need to say, whether that be academic or emotional. I believe that every child deserves to have the support and resources they need to reach their full potential. Being a teacher goes beyond just teaching our student’s content; it’s the teacher’s job to help create outstanding individuals that know how to work well with others, challenge and explore new ideas and concepts, and understand the importance of hard work and effort. Teachers need to make a conscious effort to connect with students on a personal level alongside catering their lessons to a variety of unique personalities and learning styles. Most importantly, teachers need to be passionate about their work and care about their students as they would their own children.

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