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  • kglevi1

TCH 130 Blog Post 1

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

26 views2 comments


Kristina Falbe
Kristina Falbe
Sep 09, 2021

So glad you tried the VLOG option! So nice to hear you make those personal connections.


Kayla Shanafelt
Kayla Shanafelt
Sep 08, 2021

I LOVED the idea of a video for your blog post. I think it was a great way to talk about this idea. This was a more personal topic, so it was nice to hear about it and actually be able to see your true reactions and facial expressions as you were talking. I wonder if more students will begin to use "vlog" styled blog posts. I loved how you touched on a variety of the articles. Your point about "not seeing students as the problem" really resinated with me. I think a lot of times when there is an individual who is struggling, they are labeled as the "troubled kid" or the "bad kid" and teachers sometimes push them…

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