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  • kglevi1

TCH 130- Blog Post 2

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

What is the purpose of schooling?

The Purpose of schooling is…

  • To help grow and cultivate students' minds

  • To give students the skills and tools they need to succeed not only in school, but in life

  • To help build students confidence in themselves and others

  • To present them with activities to help them form and develop the skills to interact with others in a respectful and productive manner

  • To install a sense of work ethic in students and help them understand that good things come from hard work and commitment

  • To allow students to form their own thoughts and opinions and make sure their voices are heard

The Purpose of schooling is not…

  • To compare students to each other and make those who excel shine and those who struggle fall beneath the surface

  • To associate learning with simply getting good grades and passing tests

  • To get students to say exactly what you want to hear

  • To make students feel like they are just another person instead of a unique individual with their own strengths and weaknesses

What is your image of the learner?

My image of a learner is…

  • A person who wants to learn and grow as a student and individual

  • A person who is not only a student, but also a child who is constantly changing and attempting to navigate the daily struggles of adolescence

  • A person who has their own unique strengths and weaknesses

My image of a learner is not…

  • A person who is a “lost cause” or is “too far gone” to succeed

  • A person who feels like they need to say and do certain things simply to get a good grade or pass a test

What should be the nature and substance of student work?

The nature and substance of student work should be…

  • Their own unique ideas, opinions, and voices

  • Activities that allow them to express their own individuality and creativity

  • Activities that allow students to collaborate with others, give and receive constructive criticism, and develop relationships with their peers

  • Assignments that allow room for revision and improvement

The nature and substance of student work should not be…

  • Repetitive, forced, and expected

  • Assignments that require simply memorization instead of application

  • Activities that don’t allow room for collaboration and constructive feedback

What is your image of the teacher?

My image of a teacher is...

  • Someone who is a natural leader

  • Someone who is an active listener and designs assignments and activities based off what students want to learn

  • Someone who is able to be empathetic and understand that students have lives outside of school

  • Someone who cares not only about their students success in the classroom, but their growth towards becoming a successful and productive member of society

  • Someone who shows the same type of respect to their students that they expect to receive

  • Someone who is passionate about education

  • Someone who cares for their students as if they’re your own children

My image of a teacher is not…

  • Someone who expects students to blindly obey and follow their instructions

  • Someone who sees teaching as simply teaching instead of recognizing the many ways they can learn from their students

  • Someone who designs activities based off their own ideas while ignoring the needs and interests of their students

What is your image of the curriculum?

My image of the curriculum is…

  • Something that is flexible and does not limit students or teachers

  • Something that is goal oriented

  • Something that sets clear goals and expectations

  • Something that allows room for accommodations

  • Something that focuses on application instead of memorization

  • Something that is challenging while also attainable

My image of curriculum is not…

  • Something that does not allow room for change or creativity

  • Something that emphasizes memorization over application

What is your preferred pedagogy?

I believe that…

  • It is important to provide children with the tools to form their own unique ideas and voices

  • It is important to allow students to work with one another and form relationships with peers

  • It is important to make sure that students feel safe and respected in my classroom

  • Curriculum should be flexible and allow for different ideas and topics that are unique to the teacher

  • Asset based learning is much more efficient than deficient based learning

I do not believe that…

  • Students should immediately be punished when they make a mistake or misbehave

  • Students need to respect me if I don’t respect them

  • The most important thing about school is getting a good grade or passing a test

What is the preferred school climate?

The preferred school climate is…

  • A classroom where teachers and students practice mutual respect

  • A classroom where everyone feels safe and valued

  • A classroom that celebrates diversity and includes bits and pieces of multiple lifestyles and cultures

The Preferred school climate is not…

  • A classroom where students feel out casted or out of place

  • A classroom where students are afraid to share their thoughts and opinions

  • A classroom that does not celebrate diversity

What is the social significance of students learning?

The social significance of student learning is…

  • To create productive members of society

  • To help children develop relationships with peers and adults

  • To teach children about mutual respect

  • To help students recognize their worth and potential

The social significance of student learning is not…

  • To force students to respect those who don’t respect them

  • To make students feel like they need to do and say what they’re told without question

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